Helpful Tips for Traveling with Children

Helpful Tips for Traveling with Children

Traveling with kids gets a bad rap. Flying with kids does pose some challenges, it’s true, but with a little preparation and the right mindset, traveling with children is an amazing and rewarding experience for the whole family. We’ve gathered some helpful tips for flying with a toddler or small child to help make your next family vacation more enjoyable.

Pre-Trip Planning + Prep

Planning your family vacation well in advance helps you prepare yourself and your child for the trip. If the child is old enough, involve them in trip preparations. Explain what happens at the airport, including going through security, boarding the plane, and the flight itself. Children’s books that explore travel topics are great for helping kids understand what to expect. 

Make a packing list a few days before the trip so you don't forget anything. Include extra clothes, diapers, wipes, baby food, and necessary medication. Include a baby thermometer and some children’s Tylenol as well in case someone gets sick.

To stay organized, use packing cubes and toiletry bags. Pack items you’ll need immediately or during the flight in a carry-on bag.

Packing Essentials for Kids

Toddlers and older kids enjoy carrying their own small backpacks for the flight, packed with favorite snacks, small toys, coloring books, stickers, and similar items. Pack a few surprises as well—a new toy or book goes a long way toward keeping kids happy on a flight.

Remember to pack your child's security blanket or toy. Pack it in a personal item or under-seat bag for quick retrieval if possible. Also, preload children’s movies, shows, or games onto your phone or tablet, and remember to pack charging cords, rechargeable battery packs, and headphones. 

For babies, pack some puppy pee pads. That sounds odd, so let’s explain. When you travel with kids, you may need to change diapers in a washroom diaper station that is less than clean. Just unfold a puppy pad, put it under your little one, and dispose of it with the dirty diaper.

Regarding diapers, always pack more than you think you’ll need. If your flight is delayed or you have a long layover, you don’t want to run out—buying diapers at the airport is very expensive!

Airport & Flight Tips

Get to the airport earlier than you would if you were flying without kids. Delays are inevitable, so plan for distracted, excited children and demands to go potty that will slow you down. Use online check-in sites to reduce what you need to do at the airport.

Remember you can gate-check strollers and car seats for free. When you get to your departure gate, just let gate staff know so they can issue your gate-check tags. Parents with children under two can pre-board, allowing you extra time to get you and your child settled into your seats before the plane fills up.

Tablets and phones with games are great tools for flying with kids. Some parents give their children free access to electronics for the entire flight, while others limit electronics to when their children need a distraction. There’s plenty of debate on which is the right decision. Choose the option that works best for you.

Staying Organized at Your Destination

Once you reach your destination, unpack the essentials immediately. Designate a specific area as a play area so toys are not scattered throughout the hotel room or AirBnB. Communicate expectations about behavior clearly, such as not bothering other guests with excessive noise and keeping the room organized to help the cleaning staff.

Get your child on a regular sleeping and eating schedule as soon as possible. A regular schedule helps energize kids for trip activities while reducing the risk of moodiness and tantrums. It also makes returning to a regular schedule easier when you get home.

We hope these tips for flying with a toddler or infant make your next family excursion successful. Travel is an exciting adventure for children and an excellent way to create cherished family memories.

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