The right carry-on luggage saves time and checked baggage fees. Unlike brands that sell untested carry-on suitcases, we design and test our carry-on luggage to meet size restrictions, making sure it will fit in the overhead bin or under the seat on your flight. This collection of wheeled totes, garment bags, duffels, spinners, and Rollaboard(s) bags is sized to carry on most domestic airlines and warrantied for ultimate durability. Read the reviews for yourself, styles like the Platinum Elite 23 inch spinner are best selling for a reason.

Choose from hard- and soft-sided carry-on suitcases, 4-wheel and 8-wheel spinners that roll with ease in any direction, and 2-wheeled Rollaboard(r) bags that glide over nearly any terrain. Available features include: integrated USB A & C ports with fast-charge capabilities, zippered expansion options, TSA locks, and built-in organization for suits to swimwear and electronics to accessories.
